Environmental Status

If environmental issues are at the core of your departure from wellness, we will employ reasonable, individualized lifestyle initiatives, while supporting the other components of wellness.


How we develop and function is governed by epignetics; Epigeneticsenvironmental influence on genetic expression, signals which turn genes on and off.  In a healthy environment, signals will orchestrate the ‘on-and-off switches’ appropriately for healthy neurological, immunological and metabolic function.  When there is a negative environmental influence, however, there can be a delay in the turning on or off of genes appropriately. This can result in certain aspects of human function being affected negatively.

Negative environmental Influences can be broken down into two types, and three categories.  The two types are ‘toxicities’ and deficiencies; you either get too much of something bad or not enough of something good, respectively.  The categories are physical, chemical, and emotional.  A physical ‘toxicity’ can be seen as an injury at birth.  An example of a physical deficiency is lack of movement and exercise.  Chemical toxicities for instance, can be the pesticides in our food and water, or simply having too much sugar.  Chemical deficiencies are exemplified by a shortage of vitamins, minerals, proteins and water.  Stress, as we commonly think of it, is an emotional ‘toxicity’. The lack of encouragement, love, or support can be thought of as an emotional deficiency.

We have discussed epigenetics from the negative perspective.  Conversely, exposure to the appropriate environment influences can have positive effects on genetic expression, thus helping genes to be turned on and off properly. This lends us the ability to reach our fullest functional potential.

Explaining epigenetics

More scientific information about epigenetics